According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 22 percent of electricity is used in the U.S. powers lighting. In a world with soaring energy prices based on the availability and control of fossil fuels, and with growing concern about sustainability of the environment, a revolution in lighting is long overdue. Best LED Group can provide a switch to LED-based fixtures that can save 40 to 70 percent of the electricity a city uses for certain lighting applications such as parking garage's, parking lots, outdoor public area's, street and portable lighting. In addition to helping protect the environment by reducing electricity consumption of lighting, LEDs, due to their long service life, also reduce the amount of material going into landfills (i.e., light bulbs).
According to the Department of Energy, in the next 20 years rapid adoption of LED Lighting in the U.S. will:
• Reduce electricity demands from lighting by 62 percent.
• Eliminate 258 million metric tons of carbon emissions.
• Avoid building 133 new power plants.
• Anticipate financial savings that could exceed $280 billion.

Among the advantages of these fixtures is that they have extremely long life spans -- they don't have filaments that can quickly burn out -- and they don't contain toxic chemicals like mercury. An LED fixture can last 100,000 hours. These fixtures also have reduced maintenance costs because of their long lives, and they give off less heat than other bulbs. Because they last so long, LEDs are suitable for places where replacing light bulbs is expensive, inconvenient or otherwise difficult.
LEDs are highly energy efficient. While compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) recently have been touted as the standard in green lighting, LEDs actually have doubled their energy efficiency. They use 15% of the energy of an incandescent bulb with greater lumen efficacy (lumens/watt). Greater efficacy leads to much larger energy savings, shorter payback periods, lower maintenance costs as well as enhanced light levels.
LED fixtures can be used to direct light on specific areas. Unlike compact fluorescent lights, they can be dimmed, allowing for more flexibility in controlling light levels. Some cities have harnessed LED's to create clever effects, such as increasing in brightness when a pedestrian walks by or integrating systems that alert officials when a particular light needs maintenance. They can also be used to blink rapidly to signal to emergency responders where they are needed.

Best LED Group is pleased to have been recently awarded a contract to provide over 50,000 LED street lights for the Town of Hempstead.
General details of the project:
· Fixtures include Cree street lights, LED post top retrofit kits, LED wall pack & flood lights, and long life 20 year LED compatible photocells.
· Current street light annual energy expenditure- $5,000,000
· Post Install LED annual energy expenditure - $1,900,000
· Hempstead will not have to expend any capital to fund this project in its entirety.
· Hempstead will be cash flow positive (paying less than utility bill+ bank payment) $900,000 annually during payback period. Once bank is paid full savings of over $3,000,000 annually will belong entirely to municipality.
We are pleased to announce, Best LED Group has been awarded the contract to provide LED lighting for Phase 2 of Hempstead’s “Go Green” initiative, see attachment at the bottom of the page.
This award is a “piggyback” contract, and as such is available to all NYS municipalities to purchase from.
LED street lights (both XSP & RSW). Interior DLC listed troffers, lamps & surface fixtures, Exterior, LED wall packs, LED flood lighting, Area Edge Post top & parking lot fixtures.
Full original bid doc is available.
Attached Below is the PDF Flyer regarding the "Piggyback Contract" for the go green initiative.
Please note: If your municipality would like to purchase a larger quantity than that listed in bid, pricing will be negotiated downward for that larger quantity.
Best LED Group will reduce your lighting energy consumption by 50% or more, reduce your energy cost by 50% or more, and reduce your maintenance costs by 95%.