Best LED Group is pleased to have been awarded the contract to provide over 50,000 LED street lights for the Town of Hempstead, saving the town over $3,000,000 dollars annually!
Best LED Group is dedicated to promoting LED lighting technology across the full range of commercial & municipal infrastructure to:
Save Energy and Money- reducing energy costs by 50 Percent or More!
Protect the environment
Reduce maintenance costs
Provide better light quality for improved visibility and safety for your area.
Tel: 631-630-5412
Email: sales@bestLEDgroup.com

Best LED Group is one of the largest LED distributors in the NY metro area, with more municipal installs than any other distributor in the area. We distribute UBICQUIA Products, RAB, ACUITY, Philips, Wisconsin lighting, Pure LIFI, ilighting, & other quality LED interior & exterior LED fixtures.
Light emitting diodes, called LEDs, are revolutionizing lighting. Switching to LED-based lighting can save 40 to 70 percent of the electricity a city uses for certain lighting applications such as parking garages, parking lots, outdoor public areas, street and portable lighting. Read and learn more about LED's below:
Some recent projects awarded to Best LED Group:
Town of Oyster Bay, NY
Town of Hempstead
Town of Smithtown NY
One Police Plaza, NYC
Town of Brookhaven NY
Village of Hempstead, NY
Village of Massapequa Park NY
SUNY Stony Brook
Chase Bank NYC